This I Believe

I recently finished reading a book called This I Believe, a collection of essays from people of all walks of life laying out their personal philosophies. I was intrigued by the idea because I have always been interested in people and their stories. I have struggled to figure out and articulate what I believe personally, so …

How To Deal With Difficult People

I work in Public Relations, where my job is to maintain the image of my clients - be it a company, an organization or someone's public image. Through all of the strategy and efforts, at the end of the day I have to make the client happy. I am dealing with people day in and day …


"I love you" "I want to be with you." "I would do anything for you." All the things that I've always wanted to hear from you, but ultimately meant absolutely nothing coming from you. Love, really? How can you even say that? How do you believe that? We must have two different views of love, …